Impero Connect
Access all of your Impero Connect components here.

Have a license key?
If you are an existing or new Impero customer, you should have received a license key via email. Select and download your Impero components below.
Starting a free trial?
To start your trial of Impero Connect select and download your Impero components below. Please contact us if you need a license key for any of the components downloadable below.
Current version: Impero Connect 13.03. Read the release notes here.
Current recommended version for Impero Security server 13.03.
Select your preferred language from the 12 languages available in the first step of the installation.
The most recent version of the Impero Connect Host with support for Windows XP and Windows Vista is Impero Connect version 12.84. Read the release notes here. Download version 12.84 using one of these links:
The last supported version of the Impero Connect Guest for Windows XP and Windows Vista was version 12.21. Please note, version 12.21 is terminated.
The final version of the Netop Remote Control Guest for ActiveX (NGuestX) is version 12.83. No further development on the NGuestX module is planned. Please refer to the Impero Product Lifecycle document for details on availability and support for this final version.
You can download the Netop Remote Control ActiveX Guest version 12.83 here.
Impero Connect for Linux
- RedHat Enterprise 7.x & 8.x / CentOS 7.x
- RedHat Enterprise 7.x & 8.x / CentOS 7.x
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04.
- SUSE Enterprise 12.x
- SUSE Enterprise 12.x
- Debian 10
- Debian 10
Current Version: Impero Connect 12.92. Read the release notes here.
Current Guest version (64bit): Impero Connect 12.92.
Current Host version (64bit): Impero Connect 12.92.
- TCx Sky V1R4 and later
- TCx Sky v1.2
- TCx Sky V1R1 and later
- TCx Sky V1R2 SP3 and later orV1R3
- 4690 V6R5, CSD 0HL0 and later
Instructions on installing the Impero Host can be found within the Toshiba Global Commerce knowledge base (registration required).
To learn more about Impero Connect for Toshiba 4690 Controllers, please visit our 4690 overview page.
Impero OnDemand gives you short-term remote access to attended devices which aren’t already running the core components of Impero Connect. End users download a small, self-executing program, which establishes a secure connection without needing to reconfigure firewalls. This initiates an individual, temporary web-based remote support session.
- Start a free trial of Impero-hosted OnDemand
You can also download the components of Impero OnDemand using the links below. You will need to request a license key in order to activate these components.
- Impero OnDemand Guest
- Impero OnDemand Pack & Deploy
For information on using Impero OnDemand Pack & Deploy with Windows XP or Vista, read this article.
Current versions: OnDemand Guest 12.86 & OnDemand Pack & Deploy 3.03
Impero Connect WebConnect is a secure, web-based connectivity service that lets users remote control devices without having to configure firewalls and routers. WebConnect is typically deployed as on on-premise solution, but can be deployed in the cloud environment of your choice. WebConnect consists of a Connection Manager and at least one Connection Server. The Connection Manager serves as a meeting hub for Impero Guests and Hosts, while the Connection Server routes traffic between the two modules. As the number of connections between Guests and Hosts increases, you may need additional Connection Servers for capacity and scalability. Installation of the WebConnect modules requires a license key. We recommend contacting our service team before installing WebConnect.
- Download the Connection Manager
- Download the Connection Server (Windows installer)
Current version: Impero WebConnect 3.02 & Connection Server 13.00
Impero's Pack'n Deploy tool lets you configure Impero Connect Hosts, Guests and Gateways and deploy them to multiple target computers.
- Impero Pack'n Deploy
- Tips on Getting Started
Current version: Impero Connect 13.00
The Remote Access Log Viewer simplifies the process of viewing, analyzing, and exporting Impero Connect log files.
- Remote Access Log Viewer
If you are a licensed user of Impero Connect you may download the latest build that corresponds with the version you are currently using (you can not interchange serial numbers between versions).