How You Can Use Classroom Management Software in the Hybrid Classroom

School is coming to a close and summer is finally almost here. After a very long year, both students and teachers are looking forward to…

School is coming to a close and summer is finally almost here. After a very long year, both students and teachers are looking forward to a much-needed break. But like most school years, planning for next year is already on teachers’ and admins’ minds. Some schools are offering a type of hybrid environment next year in order to meet their students’ needs. Instead of students being in the physical classroom every day of the week or being in the virtual classroom every day of the week, students will be doing a combination of in-person learning and virtual learning.

One helpful piece of tech for this new learning environment is classroom management software. It can be used in a variety of ways in the hybrid learning environment.


What Does Classroom Management Software Do?

Classroom management software allows you to monitor and manage your students’ devices. It gives you helpful tools to keep your students on task no matter the learning environment.

 Allows You to Streamline the Process

 Classroom management software allows you to streamline the process of monitoring and managing your students’ devices no matter where they are learning. With classroom management software, you can monitor both what your students in the physical classroom are doing on their devices and what your students in the virtual classroom are doing on their devices.

 Helps Send Out Content

Classroom management software can make it easier to get all of your students the content they need. With software like Impero, you can push out links to your students that contain the material that you want them to work on.

 Keeps Your Students on the Correct Websites

 Whether your students are learning at home or are using their computers in the physical classroom, classroom management software makes it easier to keep your students on the websites you want them on. Simply use the web filter feature in your classroom management tool to create a list of the websites you approve of or a list of the websites you don’t approve of.

Redirects Everyone’s Attention

If your classroom management software program has a lock screens tool, then it allows you to regain your students’ attention in all environments. Have students that are not paying attention in the in-person classroom? Lock their screens and ask them to get back on task. Have students not on-task in the virtual classroom? Hit the lock button and redirect your students. Have students in both environments? You can still use the lock button.

 Can Send Encouraging Messages to Your Students

 All students need to be encouraged. Whether your students are with you in the classroom, or they are learning virtually, kind and encouraging words help make their day better and help them work harder. With classroom management software, you can send a quick message to a student or multiple students at once. It doesn’t matter what learning environment they are in.

 About  Impero Classroom 

Impero’s classroom management software, Impero Classroom is a solution to help teachers manage and monitor students’ devices at any time and anywhere. With Impero’s classroom management tool, students can have positive learning experiences online. Teachers can run websites, create groups, block and allow specific websites, and lock screens and the internet when it’s time to focus.

Impero Classroom’s features include: 

  •     Real-time monitoring
  •     SIS Integration
  •     Send a message
  •     Lock Screen
  •     Broadcast screen
  •     Launch website
  •     Disable internet
  •     Send file
  •     Tab management
  •     Restrict browsing

To learn more about Classroom, book a demo here.

Want to learn more about classroom management software? Check out How to Regain Your Students’ Attention with Classroom Management Software. 

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