Schools have gone through multiple changes in the way they approach education and teaching methods. Some have gone back to in-person learning while others are adopting blended and hybrid learning long-term. We know that no matter where students are, schools need to make sure they have the right set of tools to capture pupils’ attention and create a collaborative and effective learning space. This is why we have rounded up six tips to keep students on-task by using classroom management software to recapture classroom time.
What is Classroom Management Software?
Classroom management software allows you to manage student devices and encourage collaboration no matter the learning environment. Impero Classroom helps teachers to manage and monitor students’ devices in the classroom and helps pupils stay engaged and present during lessons.
Here are 6 Tips to Recapture Classroom Time
- Engage students by screen-sharing to create a collaborative classroom. Give students a front row view by broadcasting your screen to all student devices. This will help create a focused, collaborative environment and it will facilitate learning. This feature will eliminate the need of additional equipment such as projectors or handouts, and it end the struggle of students who have a hard time seeing the board from the back row. Impero Classroom allows teachers to broadcast an individual student’s screen to the entire class, promoting peer-to-peer learning.
- Keep students on-task by blocking distracting and/or inappropriate websites. YouTube is a useful learning ally when it’s requested by the teacher. And all the distracting videos, apps and games? They’ve got to go. With the help of Impero Classroom, teachers can create a list of approved websites for their class and apply the filter, ending all unwanted disruptions. Manage websites on a class-by-class basis, providing additional controls beyond the school’s internet filter and keeping students safe.
- Focus students on learning by creating a list of approved websites to accompany your lesson plan. Use the technology in your classroom to improve class grades and overall learning. Create a list of approved websites for the day that complement your lesson plan and enhance learning, while blocking all others. When students try to go to an unapproved website, they will receive a blocked message as shown below, and get redirected to the list you created.
- Stop students from cheating in class by locking down their web access to one site only during testing. If students attempt to Google answers or go to another website, we have a solution for you. With Impero Classroom, you can lock access to certain or all websites until the test is done. Moreover, you can see their attempts from your desktop in real-time. You can also detect if students try to pull up documents from their computer. For a closer look, zoom in on any screen for a live view.
- Create various levels of learning by connecting with students without disrupting others. Our solution allows you to customise student learning by discreetly assisting students who are struggling with the lesson or have special needs, by sending them a private message. Redirect the classroom or notify individual students of an approaching deadline. Dismiss advanced students from class for independent learning or into another class.
- Use classroom management software to foster stronger relationships. While you can block certain websites and allow others, classroom management software allows you to help students have fun and build relationships during remote learning. Use the screen share feature to watch a movie together, or launch skribbl and have fun playing a game with your class. It is important to maintain healthy relationships as we all move to a more digitally enhanced world.
Impero Classroom can help eliminate distractions and focus on learning. No matter where classes are held, Classroom can support teachers and students alike. Learn more about Classroom or book a demo.