Impero Solutions

Impero Blog

The School’s Guide to Apps Students Are Using: Top 10 Most Popular & Dangerous

Technology plays a significant role in today’s classrooms. Unfortunately, anonymous messaging apps, random video chats, and other platforms that lock or hide other apps raise safety and security concerns for educators.  Despite efforts to educate students, they don’t always exercise good judgment. Some of the more commonly used apps among students exhibit safety concerns that […]
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Unpacking the TeamViewer Hack in January 2024: a Case for a More Secure Remote Access Alternative

The cybersecurity battlefield continually expands and evolves, with threat actors devising new methods to exploit systems and breach data. A recent incident exploiting a TeamViewer vulnerability highlights the intricacies and sophistication of current cyber threats. Continue reading to learn more ...
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How Impero Connect Enhances Security of Remote Teams

Remote work has become widespread in recent years. With benefits such as increased flexibility and access to a global talent pool, it is not without its challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. A recent Forbes article on 2024 remote ...
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Remote Access in Zero-Trust Networks: How Impero Connect Keeps You Safe, Even on No-IP Networks

Zero-trust networks are a new way of thinking about network security. Instead of trusting users and devices simply because they are inside the network perimeter, zero-trust networks verify every user and device on every access attempt. This approach is essential ...
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Thousands of Students Spoke About Online Safety, and Impero Listened

Students need access to reliable online content that sparks their imagination and helps them reach their full potential. However, safety should always be the top priority. Cyberbullying, stalking, scams, personal information misuse, gambling, and exposure to inappropriate content are all ...
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How ContentKeeper Fits into the Impero Suite of Products

The number one priority for schools is to educate. However, for students to learn, it’s clear that students and staff need to feel safe. There are state and federal laws that require schools to safeguard students, but safety is the ...
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MGM Hack - How Impero Connect protects against ransomwaew

Lessons from the MGM Hack: How Impero Connect Can Safeguard Your Business Against Ransomware

The MGM security incident of early September 2023 sent shockwaves through the cybersecurity landscape. As the threat of ransomware attacks continues to loom large over businesses, it's crucial to understand the intricacies of such breaches and the preventive measures you ...
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